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Top Questions Asked about Relocating to Southeastern North Carolina ... with Answers
February 21, 2024

Top Questions Asked about Relocating to Southeastern North Carolina ... with Answers

Each year, our Sales Team travels to the Northeast with the Ideal Living Expos to educate potential homeowners about the opportunities available to move to North Carolina. While every individual we speak with has a unique story and personal reasons for relocating, we have found that there are significant similarities as well. 

The Motivation. Why would one want to leave the area they have been extremely familiar with, potentially leaving friends and family behind, and completely changing the lifestyle that they have spent so many years creating? We have heard multiple answers to these questions over the years but the majority have consistently leaned on one of the following as the major motivating factor to move. 

1. Retirement. Many clients we work with who relocate to our area have recently entered their retirement years. The idea of a new start, less responsibilities, and more time for the things they enjoy in life. 

2. Cost of Living. Traditionally the cost of living in southern states are significantly less that the metropolitan areas in the Northeast. The property taxes alone are one of the main motivating reasons for considering other areas. In addition, the property values have increased so a lateral move in-town would not necessarily improve their current situation.

3. Weather. If you've spent any significant amount of time shoveling snow out of driveways, walkways, porches, etc. just to have access to your day to day activities, you could likely relate to this one. Southeastern North Carolina is known for having all 4 Seasons with the benefit of historically mild winters. 

4. Hobbies. If you combine all of the first 3 motivators, it leads to the forth which is more available time for the fun things in life. We have enthusiasts from all walks of life who are looking to spend more of their days doing the activities that bring them joy. Whether you enjoy golf, pickleball, the beach, fishing, arts and entertainment, great food, antique cars, etc. or just a slower pace of life, you can likely find a perfect home in North Carolina that would be suitable for you. 

Once the desire for relocation has been established, the questions start flowing. We are so proud that clients trust us to help guide them through any hesitations they may have when considering a big move. Many of the people we speak with have never lived in the south so there are some consistent questions that come up. 

Relocation Questions. 

1. Healthcare. Many people are moving from major metropolitan areas with extensive healthcare options very close in proximity to them. We get asked about our major medical providers and accessibility to specialists. We cover a large geographical area in Southeastern North Carolina so depending on which community is selected,  one healthcare network may be closer than others. If medical care is a deciding factor for moving, we encourage all of our clients to explore these providers to see if it will meet their needs.

Greenville, NC and Surrounding Areas: ECU Health

Wilmington, NC and Surrounding Areas: Novant Health and Grand Strand Health 

In addition to our local healthcare, we have easy access to two of the major teaching hospitals in the nation at Duke University and the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill less that 2 hours away. 

2. Storms. How bad are hurricanes in your area? This is the question that tends to have the most fear associated with a big move, especially close to the coast. Disclaimer: we will never be able to guarantee anything regarding the weather.... However, we do take precautions to ensure that if there is a storm each of our homes is as prepared as it can be. We also offer options such as whole home generators or portable generator connections that can help provide peace of mind if a storm is approaching. Two of the major concerns in any storm are as follows, wind and flooding. 

Wind: All of the homes we offer are new construction, this requires that we build to the latest and greatest standards in the North Carolina building code. Depending on the proximity to the coast, the code requirements may be as high as 150 mph based on the wind zones. In addition, there are specific building practices that require reinforcement from the foundation to the roof to meet these wind guidelines. Many times, the wind is less impactful on the home itself, but more likely to affect large trees surrounding the property that if they fall could damage a portion of the home. This is something to consider when selecting the site for your new home. 

Flooding: When Bill Clark Homes selects a piece of property for a new community, our goal is to ensure that the elevation of the land is high enough to avoid any of the current flood hazard restrictions. All property in our area is in a "flood zone" category but only a few of the hazard areas require additional insurance specific for flooding and special construction techniques that are at risk of rising waters and velocity impact (ex: waves). You may hear people discussing Flood Zone X, Flood Zone AE, or Flood Zone VE. These are some of the most common. Zone X is the preferred location where the additional insurance is not required but you could always opt for coverage at a minimal expense. If you are making any decision regarding a new home purchase, it is important to know what zone the home is located. To learn more about flood zones, visit for additional information. 

3. Taxes. What kind of taxes do we have in NC? 

Property Taxes: North Carolina has relatively low property tax. The state's average effective property tax rate is .70% translating to approximately $700 per $100,000 in home value. Even though each area will vary, the cost comparison of property taxes from NC to the Northeast is a fraction of what homeowners are spending annually. 

Social Security. North Carolina does NOT tax social security retirement income. All Social Security retirement income can be subtracted from your taxable income when filing your NC income tax return. In addition, the state tax on military pensions was eliminated and signed into law in 2021. All other pensions (both private and public) are taxed at a current state rate of 4.5% decreasing annually through 2027 down to 3.99%. 

Sales Tax. North Carolina's state income tax averages 6.9% ranking it around 25th in the nation, so consider it very average. 

Estate Tax. North Carolina recently eliminated its estate tax, so any seniors looking to leave wealth or property for their loved ones do not have to worry about that. 

All tax data and details provided by our friends at Retire NC, visit their website for additional NC information and resources. 

4. Airports. Our area is blessed with several international airports to choose from. As the area has grown, so has the direct flight availability into many of the major cities on the east coast. Depending on the starting location and the final destination you can choose which airport suits your needs best. 

International Airports: Wilmington International Airport (ILM) / Myrtle Beach International Airport (MYR) /  Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU) 

If you are ready to explore the new home possibilities with Bill Clark Homes or Legacy Homes by Bill Clark, please contact us at 910.550.1167 or email Pat Palumbo at for more information. 

Written by Robin Campbell

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Wilmington, NC 28403

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